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4 facts about administrative workers

May 20, 2023May 20, 2023




Administrative Professionals Week (APW) is celebrated annually on the last full week in April, which this year is April 23 to 29. The event aims to recognize and highlight the vital work of administrative professionals, including receptionists, secretaries, personal assistants, customer support workers, and more. Here are some facts about administrative workers to give you insight into the profession.

1. Administrative professionals in New York, NY, are most in demand across the US. In fact, admin workers in New York boast some of the highest salaries in the nation for this occupation.2. Administrative assistants are overwhelmingly female. In North America, over 90 percent of administrative professionals are women.3. The average administrative worker’s annual salary in the United States is $39,680. However, the most experienced workers can make over $45,000.4. The American Society of Administrative Professionals offers the Professional Administrative Certification of Excellence credential to individuals who’ve developed administrative skills valuable to employers.

The administrative professional job has evolved over the years. The technology boom in the last decade has forced administrative workers to expand their skills. On top of managing memos, spreadsheets, and budgets, admin workers must now be proficient in countless online programs and software.

This APW, thank an administrative professional in your life. You can give them a card, send them a gift basket, or offer them a gift card to an office store to upgrade their supplies.

Did you know there’s also Administrative Professionals Day? This day of recognition takes place annually on Wednesday of the last full week of April. This year, it falls on April 26. Much like APW, it aims to celebrate and shed light on the many contributions of administrative professionals.

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Unfinished Goals: The Silent Killer of Dreams

Every individual has a bucket list, aspirations they want to achieve, and dreams they wish to realize. Yet, we all encounter a common obstacle: unfinished goals. These nagging ‘to-dos’ linger in the back of our minds, reminding us of dreams unfulfilled and aspirations not pursued.

The Vicious Cycle of ProcrastinationProcrastination often stems from a daunting perception of the goals ahead. We delay action, not because we don’t value our dreams but because the path to achieving them seems intricate and overwhelming. This inaction results in feelings of guilt, which in turn fuels further procrastination, a cycle that few manage to break free from.

Historically, goal setting has been a cornerstone of human evolution. From early hunters tracking prey to modern businessmen charting corporate strategies, goals guide human progress. Yet, the contemporary methodology of merely focusing on the end result has its pitfalls. We often get lost in the vastness of our ambitions, drifting aimlessly without clear direction.

Successful People Think DifferentlySuccessful individuals don’t just set end goals. They prioritize the journey by establishing milestones, smaller objectives that pave the path towards the ultimate goal. Think of them as checkpoints in a marathon, each one representing a smaller victory leading to the final win.

Taking the example of salary increments – rather than merely aspiring to earn more, one could set structured steps: seeking higher potential job positions, applying, securing the position, and then advancing within the new role. Each step is a defined milestone, ensuring clarity of purpose and direction.

The Power of MilestonesFor those overwhelmed by lofty ambitions, milestones can simplify the journey. Weight loss, for instance, doesn’t have to mean shedding 50 pounds immediately. It could start with a goal of 5 pounds, then 10, and so on. This approach keeps the journey manageable and motivation levels high.

Furthermore, milestones provide a structured timeframe, keeping procrastination at bay and ensuring consistent progress. Celebrating each milestone not only boosts morale but reinforces the belief that the ultimate goal is within reach.

The path to success is not a straight highway but a trail with numerous turns, ups, and downs. Milestones act as guideposts, ensuring that one remains on course. They not only break down our big dreams into achievable steps but also provide regular validations of our progress. So, the next time you set a goal, remember: the key to its achievement might just lie in the milestones you set along the way.




In a twist against conventional economic wisdom, several companies have shifted towards hoarding talent in the wake of potential recessionary fears. Despite the threat of an economic slump, businesses are choosing to maintain or even expand their staff in anticipation of the rebound.

According to a report by Insight Global, this trend suggests a growing belief among executives that any looming recession will be shallow and recovery is on the horizon. The current strategy appears to be centered on having a stockpile of talent ready for when the market springs back.

The past several months have seen businesses across sectors struggling to fill open positions while simultaneously striving to retain their current employees. This is perhaps a reflection of companies feeling the heat from a tight labor market, a reality that has prompted organizations to maintain headcounts even in the face of a potential recession. The rationale? When markets rebound, they won’t have to wade through the tough labor market again to refill positions opened due to downsizing.

The hiring process often incurs more costs than retaining existing employees. Besides training costs, attracting suitable candidates from other firms often requires offering substantially higher wages as part of the lure.

In a unique approach to labor hoarding, some companies are retraining their staff to work on different projects. This tactic seems to stem from the understanding that recessions hit industries and operations unevenly. Instead of opting for layoffs in less robust areas of business, firms are aiming to shift their labor to more resilient operations.

Interestingly, it’s not just the companies but the top brass too that seems willing to bear the brunt of economic downturns. Some bosses and owners are even ready to endure pay cuts if it contributes to maintaining headcounts.

However, the picture is not entirely rosy. In some cases, companies are cutting back hours across the board to retain more employees while reducing their overall wage bill. Additionally, while many companies are maintaining headcounts, they are not necessarily expanding them. Some organizations are also reducing their workforce. Those who get laid off may find it challenging to secure new jobs in this climate.

In the face of a potential recession, the business world is adapting and reshaping strategies. The trend of hoarding talent seems to be one such innovative approach, challenging conventional wisdom and introducing a new normal in business strategy.




Unlocking the Psychology of Influence to Boost Sales and Enhance Lives

In today’s fast-paced world, the ability to influence can be the difference between success and stagnation. We aren’t just talking about sales and marketing. Influence touches every aspect of our lives, from personal interactions to business decisions. But what really lies beneath this powerful tool?

The human psyche is a complex web of motivations, perceptions, and emotions. Dive deeper, and you’ll find that most of these are governed by the art and science of influence. While everyone wishes to exert some form of control or impact on their surroundings, understanding how to do so effectively remains elusive for many.

Firstly, self-perception plays a vital role. How we view ourselves is directly proportional to how effectively we can sway others. This involves understanding our own motivations, affiliations, and adherence to social norms. By mastering our inner psychology, we are better equipped to tap into the minds of those we interact with.

However, it’s essential to tread with caution. The power of influence comes with immense responsibility. Exerting undue or negative pressure can backfire, leading to mistrust and resentment. So, the key is not only to influence but to do so positively, creating win-win situations for everyone involved.

Effective influencers aren’t manipulators. Instead, they’re individuals who genuinely understand and empathize with others, catering to emotional cues and needs. They are the ones who uplift, inspire, and motivate, making others feel good about themselves. This isn’t a facade but a genuine effort to make a difference.

Influence isn’t about molding individuals to our will but rather guiding them toward mutual goals with respect and understanding. It’s about making connections, fostering trust, and ensuring that our interactions leave a positive mark. In a world rife with skepticism and negativity, harnessing the power of positive influence could be the change we all need.




Unearthing the significance of micro-decisions in the business world

The reality of our existence is characterized by an incessant stream of decisions, some life-altering, others seemingly trivial. Yet, it’s these ‘micro-decisions’ that often exert an immense, lasting influence over our lives. The concept of the ‘hidden power of small decisions’ is an emerging paradigm, asserting the colossal impact of even the most minute choices we make every day.

Small decisions constitute the backbone of our daily life, shaping our health, lifestyle, and career path. This insight bears particular significance for entrepreneurs seeking to drive growth and scale their businesses. But how do these micro-decisions translate into entrepreneurial success?

The first step towards understanding this phenomenon is to realize the compound effect of small decisions. In business terms, this means recognizing the potential impact of devoting a few hours weekly to learning a new skill or carving out time for networking. Such seemingly minor actions can eventually drive your business’s growth and success.

Jim Collins, a revered business author, demonstrated this notion in his book “Good to Great” using the analogy of a flywheel. Small, consistent efforts can kick-start momentum and drive success, similar to how repetitive pushing gets a flywheel spinning.

Small decisions also introduce the notion of managed risk-taking and flexibility in business. Particularly for startups, where risk is intrinsic, micro-decisions break down intimidating tasks or decisions into manageable chunks, making it easier to evaluate and handle associated risks. Should a decision prove less fruitful than expected, it’s much simpler to pivot from a smaller decision than a larger one.

Charles Duhigg, in his book “The Power of Habit,” emphasizes the role of habits in business, where small decisions can turn into habits that either drive a business towards its objectives or derail it. Habits of continuously optimizing business processes or regularly soliciting customer feedback can result in significant gains in efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Moreover, micro-decisions lie at the core of innovation. Small, innovative decisions have historically led to substantial breakthroughs, proving game-changers for successful companies. The decision by Google to let employees spend 20% of their time on personal projects led to the creation of Gmail, Google Maps, and AdSense, exemplifying the potential of small decisions to promote creativity and innovation.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, the concept of micro-decisions signifies the impact of daily choices and habits on business success. By setting realistic goals, nurturing a strong company culture, developing entrepreneurial skills, and driving continuous improvement, entrepreneurs can employ the power of small decisions to scale their businesses.

Appreciating the hidden power of small decisions can significantly influence an entrepreneur’s journey, reinforcing the impact of daily choices and habits on personal growth and business success. By harnessing the power of these micro-decisions, entrepreneurs can turn small, consistent steps into giant leaps toward their goals.




Does overthinking keep you stuck, unable to make a decision? It’s not an uncommon problem. People from all walks of life fall prey to the trap of excessive thought, often ending up regretting their decisions. Overthinking, experts say, is a pervasive issue affecting individuals of all ages.

Overthinking stems from a simple question: “What if?” We dwell on the choices we have made or have yet to make, getting tangled in a web of possibilities and hypothetical scenarios. Overthinking is often driven by fear – fear of the unknown, of failure, and of judgment.

This constant state of apprehension keeps us anchored in the past or too fixated on the future, making it challenging to live in the present. It breeds self-doubt and indecision, preventing us from taking risks or making choices that could potentially lead to growth.

But how can we combat overthinking? It starts with a change in mindset. It’s essential to shift focus from what could go wrong to what could go right. Concentrate on your successes, learning from your mistakes rather than ruminating on them. Fear of the unknown shouldn’t dictate your decisions; instead, embrace it and the possibilities it brings.

Notwithstanding, staying on track can be a tall order. In a world full of distractions, focusing on one task at a time seems a daunting task. Often, the worry of what might happen disrupts our focus, leading to suboptimal results. The remedy? Stick to the task at hand, eliminating distractions and fully committing to what needs to be done.

Being present and focused requires discipline, but it’s a skill everyone can hone. Accept that distractions are a part of life and learn to deal with them instead of letting them derail your thoughts or actions.

Overthinking may be common, but it’s far from insurmountable. With the right mindset and dedication to maintaining focus, anyone can overcome the whirlwind of overthinking and make better, more confident decisions. It’s about reclaiming the reins of your mind and steering your thoughts toward productivity and positivity.




Expressing appreciation and recognizing the good work of others is an essential aspect of building healthy relationships, both in professional and personal settings. However, finding the right words to praise someone’s achievements can often be challenging. To help address this issue, Human Capital magazine has compiled a list of suggestions to guide individuals in effectively conveying their appreciation. In this article, we will explore these recommendations and delve into the significance of praise in fostering positive work environments.

Recognizing and acknowledging the accomplishments of others is vital for establishing a supportive and thriving workplace culture. It not only boosts individual morale but also enhances team cohesion and productivity. Human Capital magazine offers several phrases that can be used to express praise effectively. For instance:

By using these phrases as a starting point, individuals can provide meaningful and personalized praise that resonates with the recipients and fosters a positive work environment.

Effective praise goes beyond mere words. It requires sincerity, specificity, and timeliness. Recognizing and appreciating others should be a consistent practice woven into the fabric of daily interactions. When praise is genuine and tailored to an individual’s achievements, it has the power to boost motivation, enhance job satisfaction, and strengthen relationships.

Numerous studies highlight the importance of positive relationships in the workplace. Research demonstrates that leaders who prioritize relationships with their employees and lead with authenticity and kindness tend to achieve better results. Furthermore, company culture has a significant impact on employee well-being, often surpassing the influence of salary and benefits. Positive relationships at work create a sense of belonging, support, and shared purpose, leading to improved engagement and performance.

In today’s fast-paced work environment, taking the time to express appreciation and provide meaningful praise can make a world of difference. By mastering the art of effective praise, individuals can foster a culture of recognition, support, and positivity. The suggested phrases provide a starting point for expressing praise, but the key lies in personalizing them and delivering them sincerely. Embracing a culture of appreciation and recognition not only benefits individuals but also contributes to the overall success and well-being of the organization.

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The Vicious Cycle of ProcrastinationSuccessful People Think DifferentlyThe Power of MilestonesThank You to our Local Business Participants: